nsou-openjournal@wbnsou.ac.in   |   +91 33 4066 3220   |  

Open Journal

Netaji Subhas Open University
(On-line Blind Peer Reviewed/Refereed Journal of School of Professional Studies) ISSN: 2581-5415
Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR)
06.01.2025: Call for Paper for NSOU Open Journal (July, 2025).

/ Authors Desk / Article Format  
  • The title of the article should be bold, centred and typed in capital letters in a 14 point Times New Roman Font.
  • The author(s) details i.e full name, designation, name of the organization, city, pin, state country e-mail ID, contact details i.e. mobile/landline phone numbers, in 11 point Times New Roman should be centered below the title.
  • All manuscripts must be accompanied by a brief abstract. Abstract including key words must not exceed 350 words. It should be in fully justified and italicized text. It should highlight research background, methodology, major finding(s) and conclusion in brief.
  • Authors must mention 4-6 keywords. Key words should be listed alphabetically separated by commas and full stop at the end.
  • Manuscript must not be more than 4000-4500 words. It should be single spaced, Times New Roman font 12 point with 1-inch margin on all four sides. It must be clearly written without any spelling or grammatical errors.
  • All tables and figures should be incorporated into the body of the paper.
  • All the equations used in the research paper/ articles should be consecutively numbered in parentheses, horizontally centered with equations number placed at the right.
  • The authors should list all references alphabetically at end of the paper.