As per the University Grants Commission (Open and Distance Learning) Regulations 2023, the Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU) constitutes the Students' Grievance Redressal Committee (SGRC) with the following members:
Prof. Anirban Ghosh
Dr. Debnarayan Modak
Ombudsperson (Retired Professor of NSOU)
Dr. Ritu Mathur Mitra, Professor in History
Dr. Gahul Amin, Associate Professor in Physics
Dr. Bibhas Guha, Associate Professor in Zoology
Dr. Srideep Mukherjee, Associate Professor in English
Mrs. Shampa Sarkar, Ph.D. Scholar (Bengali)
Rights and responsibilities of a learner of NSOU:
The learners should have valid enrolment no. of the university.
The learner has right to complain regarding any aspect related to his or her learning path including programme quality, learning resources, learner support and guidance, teaching, learning and assessment.
The learner is entitled to approach the respective Learner Support Centres/ Study Centres for submitting his or her complaint. The complaint can be submitted individually or collectively by a group of learners.
The learner may submit a formal complaint in a manner prescribed by university regarding his/her dissatisfaction.
The learners may submit their complaints/ grievances at their nearest Regional Centre, if they
The grievance should be accompanied with the reasons for dissatisfaction and expected remedy. The learner should also give the reference of submitting the complaint at the Learner Support Centre if any.
PIO I (other than examination matters)
PIO II (examination matters)
Smt. Nilanjana Chatterjee Asstt. Director Study Centres
Netaji Subhas Open University
DD-26, Sector-I, Salt Lake City,
Kolkata - 700 064.
Phone: 033 4066 3205
Shri Anjan Saha Dy. Registrar (Examination)
Netaji Subhas Open University
Examination Dept., 2nd Floor,
134/1, Meghnad Saha Sarani,
Kolkata – 700 029.
Phone: 033 2463 0292
Learners may submit their grievances using the following link Students Grievance Form .
No other communication will be accepted.
Responsibility of NSOU:
The university shall work with the principles of openness and collaboration.
The university shall continuously improve the services it offers. As and when a grievance is received, the university shall investigate it thoroughly and make the necessary improvement(s) in its services.
The university shall encourage Learner Support Centres / study centres to make initial attempts to address and resolve complaints as close as possible to the point of origin, and with the minimum of formality.
The university shall also monitor the Grievance Redressal process through its Learner Support Centres/Study Centres.
The university is responsible for privacy and confidentiality unless disclosure is necessary to proceed in the matter.
The authorized officers mentioned aforesaid or the Convener of SGRC may investigate the complaint(s) or refer the matter(s) to a more appropriate person or departments, as appropriate.
It shall be the responsibility of the authorized officer or Convener, SGRC to monitor the progress and to timely resolve the matter of grievances and inform the complainant(s) regarding action taken to resolve the complaint, if there was such request from the end of the complainant.The timeline for each grievance shall be considered case to case basis, however it should be completed within one month from the date of receipt of complaint.
The Head of concerned school/ Department of the University will respond to the authorized officer or Convener, SGRC in writing (letters or email etc.) through offline or online mode giving reasons for a decision and action taken thereto.
The Director/ Dy. Director of the Regional Centre may forward the complaints/ grievances to the authorized officer or Convener, SGRC further processing, if the same can not be resolved at their end.
If the authorized officer or the Convener SGRC could not resolve any complaint at his/ her level then it should be placed before the SGRC meeting to be convened by the convener, SGRC to resolve the complaint.
The convener may arrange periodical meeting of SGRC to place before it the reports of the intervening period regarding grievances handled and resolved so far.
Such reports on acceptance of SGRC may be placed before the Vice-Chancellor by the convener, SGRC for placing the same before next meeting of Academic Council or Executive Council as the case may be.
PCP Schedule/Notice
28.11.2024:Notice for BDP Mathematics students regarding schedule of their LCES, Phase-2 at NSOU Campuses......Detail
21.11.2024:Notice regarding LCES, Phase-2 for UG Science students......Detail
26.03.2025:Notice regarding reschedule of PGED PCP (Part-II, Paper-VIII E2) at SoE Kalyani RC on 13/04/2025......Detail
20.03.2025:Notice for PCP for optional Paper XVI-A and XVI-B of MSW (Batch: January 2023) on 23/03/2025, 30/03/2025 and 13/04/2025......Detail
18.03.2025:4th PCP in PGMT for Paper: 9A(i), 9B(i), 9A(ii), 9B(ii), January 2023 Batch (Part-II) at Women's Christian College, Kharagpur College, Bolpur College and Coochbehar College......Detail
06.03.2025:Offline PCP Schedule of PGJM, Paper- 9A & 9B, Part-II, Batch January 2023 at Sarojini Naidu College......Detail
06.03.2025:Offline PCP Schedule of PGJM, Paper- 9A & 9B, Part-II, Batch January 2023 at Durgapur Regional Campus......Detail
05.03.2025:PCP Routine of PGBG, Paper-VIII, Part-II, January 2023 Batch at Raja Narendralal Khan Women's College......Detail
05.03.2025:PCP Routine of PGEG, Paper-VIII, Part-II, January 2023 Batch at Raja Narendralal Khan Women's College......Detail
05.03.2025:PCP Routine of PGBG, Paper-VIII, 2nd Year, January 2023 Batch at Durgapur Campus......Detail
01.03.2025:PCP Routine of PGEG, Paper-VII & VIII, January 2023 Batch at Durgapur Regional Centre......Detail
27.02.2025:PCP Routine of PGEG, Paper-VIII, January 2023 Batch at Women's College, Calcutta......Detail
27.02.2025:PCP Routine of PGEG, Paper-VIII, January 2023 Batch at Syamaprasad College......Detail
27.02.2025:Notice regarding rescheduling of PCP session of PGELT originally on 02/03/2025 to 13/04/2025......Detail
27.02.2025:PCP Schedule of PGPS, Part-II, Paper: V-VIII, January 2023 Batch at Women's Christian College......Detail
27.02.2025:PCP Schedule of PGPS, Part-II, Paper: V-VIII, January 2023 Batch at Maharaja Manindra Chandra College......Detail
25.02.2025:PCP Notice for PGEC, 2nd Year for the month of March, 2025 at Basanti Devi College......Detail
25.02.2025:Notice regarding suspension of PG Education (PGED-January 2023 session) PCP for Part-II, Paper-VIII E4 at Bijoy Krishna Girls' College on 09/03/2025......Detail
25.02.2025:PCP Routine of PGBG, Paper-VIII, 2nd Year, January 2023 Batch at Women's Christian College......Detail
21.02.2025:Provisional PG Zoology PCP Routine for January 2024 Batch (Part-II) at APCR College Study Centre, Siliguri......Detail
21.02.2025:PCP Routine of PGBG, Paper-VIII, January 2023 Batch at Bankura Christian College......Detail
18.02.2025:Face-to-Face PCP Schedule of PGELT, Paper-XVII & XX (New Syllabus), January 2023 Batch at Women's Christian College......Detail
17.02.2025:Revised PCP Routine of PGED for the Session 2023-2025 (Part-II) Batch, Paper- VIII E 2 at SoE, Kalyani RC, NSOU......Detail
17.02.2025:PCP Routine of PGBG, Paper-VII(A), January 2024 Batch at Sarojini Naidu College......Detail
25.02.2025:Mandatory offline One-Day Workshop for Internship for 5th Semester B.Ed. Special Education (IDD & HI)-ODL, academic session 2022-2024 at Kalyani Campus on 09/03/2025......Detail
25.02.2025:Mandatory offline PCP along with the Workshop & Practical (Phase-II) for 3rd Semester B.Ed. Special Education (IDD & HI)-ODL, academic session 2023-2025 at Kalyani Campus from 16/03/2025 to 25/03/2025......Detail
25.02.2025:Mandatory offline PCP along with the Workshop & Practical (Phase-II) for 1st Semester B.Ed. Special Education (IDD & HI)-ODL, academic session starting from October 2024 (Revised from July-August 2024) at Kalyani Campus from 06/03/2025 to 13/03/2025......Detail
19.12.2024:Online Lecture Schedule for M.Ed. Special Education (IDD & HI)-ODL, Semester-I, Academic Session starting from October 2024 (Revised from July-August 2024), LSC Code: SEMH-02......Detail
13.12.2024:Mandatory offline PCP along with the Workshop & Practical (PHASE-I) for 1st Semester M.Ed. Special Education (IDD & HI)-ODL, academic session starting from October 2024 (Revised from July-August 2024) at Kalyani Campus......Detail
19.03.2025:Documents need to be submitted at the time of final submission of Ph.D. Thesis......Detail
10.03.2025:ADMISSION: Notification for 3rd Counselling of PGZO, PGGR and PGES Courses for the session January 2025......Detail
04.03.2025:Ph.D. Registration Fee submission for Library and Information Science (LIS), Academic Year 2022-2023. Notification | Application Format
24.02.2025:ADMISSION: Notification for PG, BLIS and Advance Diploma Admission (2024-25) date extension......Detail
20.02.2025:ADMISSION: Notification for Mop-up Round of Counselling for PGES, PGZO and PGGR, AY 2024-25......Detail
17.02.2025:Notification for continuing Ph.D. Research Work, Academic Years 2021-2022 (Session: January 2021) and 2022-2023 (Session: January 2022)......Detail
13.02.2025:MERIT LIST: General Instruction for Counseling for M.Sc. in Environmental Science (PGES), M.Sc. in Zoology (PGZO) and M.Sc. in Geography (PGGR) Session January 2025......Detail
13.02.2025:MERIT LIST: Provisional Merit List of M.Sc. in Environmental Science (PGES) for NSOU Candidates of all Categories, January 2025......Detail
13.02.2025:MERIT LIST: Provisional Merit List of M.Sc. in Environmental Science (PGES) for NON-NSOU Candidates of all Categories, January 2025......Detail
13.02.2025:MERIT LIST: Provisional Merit List of M.Sc. in Zoology (PGZO) for NSOU Candidates of all Categories, January 2025......Detail
13.02.2025:MERIT LIST: Provisional 1st Merit List of M.Sc. in Zoology (PGZO) for NON-NSOU Candidates of all Categories, January 2025......Detail
13.02.2025:MERIT LIST: Provisional Merit List of M.Sc. in Geography (PGGR) for NSOU Candidates of all Categories, January 2025......Detail
13.02.2025:MERIT LIST: Provisional 1st Merit List of M.Sc. in Geography (PGGR) for NON-NSOU Candidates of all Categories, January 2025......Detail
29.01.2025:ADMISSION: Notification for PG, BLIS and Advance Diploma Admission (2024-25) date extension......Detail
22.01.2025:ADMISSION: Declaration Format for PG Admission, Academic Year 2024-2025 (Session January 2025)......Detail
02.01.2025:ADMISSION: Notification Related to Eligibility Criteria of Environmental Science (PGES) for Academic Year 2024-2025......Detail
21.03.2025:Notice for MLIS result publication for PG TEE, June 2023 / December 2023......Detail
12.03.2025:Notice for PG Economics result publication for PG TEE, June 2023 / December 2023......Detail
12.03.2025:Notice for PG English result publication for PG TEE, June 2023 / December 2023......Detail
03.03.2025:Notice for M.Sc. in Zoology result publication for PG TEE, June 2023 / December 2023......Detail
28.02.2025:Notice for M.Sc. in Mathematics result publication for PG TEE, June 2023 / December 2023......Detail
28.02.2025:Notice for PG Journalism and Mass Communication result publication for Post Graduate Term-End Examination, June 2023 / December 2023......Detail
25.02.2025:Notice for M.Sc. in Geography result publication for PG TEE, June 2023 / December 2023......Detail
18.02.2025:Notice for Master of Commerce result publication for Post Graduate Term-End Examination, June 2023 / December 2023......Detail
11.02.2025:Notice for PG Public Administration result publication for PG TEE, June 2023 / December 2023......Detail
11.02.2025:Notice for PG Political Science result publication for PG TEE, June 2023 / December 2023......Detail
31.01.2025:Notice for Bachelor of Library & Information Science Result Publication for BLIS Term-End Examination, December 2023......Detail
28.01.2025:Notice for PG Bengali Result publication for Post Graduate Term-End Examination, June 2023 / December 2023......Detail
10.01.2025:Notice for PG Education Result publication for Post Graduate Term-End Examination, June 2023 / December 2023......Detail
26.03.2025:Advertisement for the engagement of two (2) full time dedicated faculties (Contractual) and superannuated in Public Administration department on purely temporary basis in the School of Social Sciences, NSOU......Detail
18.03.2025:Webinar on "Four Year Undergraduate Programme (FYUP)". - Saarthi Activity for the month of March, 2025 on 21.03.2025. Banner | Poster | ZOOM Link | YouTube Link
05.03.2025:3-Day Regional Level Workshop for Developing Graduate Employability Framework in Open Universities on 20.03.2025 to 22.03.2025......Detail
05.02.2025:e-Tender notice for supply & installation of CPCB IV approved 82.5 KVA TP Diesel Generating Set for Durgapur RC, NSOU......Detail
07.01.2025:e-Tender (Re-tender) notice for supply and delivery of laboratory Chemicals at Kalyani Regional Centre, Chemistry Department, School of Sciences, Netaji Subhas Open University......Detail